Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival 2018

The Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival takes place this weekend, October 5 and October 6, 2018. The fun festival is always held on the first weekend in October each year. This year will be the 47th Annual Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival! The fun starts Friday late afternoon and then on Saturday from 8 am until 6 pm. The festival kicks off  Friday night with bands, dancing, food, and fun for all ages. On Saturday in downtown Spring Hope the community turns into one big party with arts and crafts, food, games, and carnival rides for the kids. At 2 pm the parade begins.

Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival Oct 5-6, 2018
Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival Oct 5-6, 2018

There is the Miss Pumpkin Festival Pageant and Little Miss Pageant where winners take their place on the floats and wave to the crowd.  Then they have a recipe contest and the great pumpkin weigh-in. This year there are almost 20 food trucks and vendors this year. Lots of arts and crafts for all those shoppers! The weather for Saturday may be a little cloudy but temperatures will be in the mid ’80s.  Everyone enjoys the Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival. It’s a great time to enjoy all that great festival food like hotdogs, candle red apples, popcorn, cotton candy, funnel cakes and more!

Bring the whole family and have fun this weekend. Each year about 25,000 people attend this popular fall festival. Way too much fun to miss.

Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival